• Secured & Encrypted Payments Using

Personalise Your Gift

My Gift Destination
{{location}} at {{postOffice}}, {{tdistrict}} on {{DeliveryDate | date : "MMM dd, yyyy"}}
Qty : {{item.quantity}}
${{roundNumber(item.product.CurrentPrize * item.quantity)}}
Message on Cake (Maximum 40 Characters.)
Please enter numbers/letters only
Enter Card Message here

This message will attach with your gift and that makes your gift something special to your recepient. (Maximum 125 Characters.)

Please enter numbers/letters only

Sender's Name appreared to be with above message ( Maximum 40 Characters.)

We will attach below message with Your Gift.

{{message}} from {{from_name}}

Gift Card, Voucher or Rewards

If you have a gift card, Voucher or Rewards, please enter the code here and click "Validate"


Please enter recipient address and phone number correctly.
Note: Make sure recipient phone number is reachable on delivery day.

Order Number: 4408dfd (Please note this order number for future reference.)

Delivery Information
Delivery Date
{{DeliveryDate | date : "MMM dd, yyyy"}}
Post Office
{{postOffice}}, {{district}}
Receipient Address
{{first_name}} {{last_name}}
{{address}}, {{landmark}}, {{city}}, {{district}}, {{state}}, {{countryText}}, {{postcode}}
{{address}}, {{city}}, {{district}}, {{state}}, {{countryText}}, {{postcode}}
Product Name
$ {{roundNumber(item.product.CurrentPrize)}}
$ {{formatDecimal(item.product.CurrentPrize * item.quantity)}}
Product Name Price Quantity Total
Product Name
$ {{roundNumber(item.product.CurrentPrize)}}
$ {{roundNumber(item.product.CurrentPrize * item.quantity)}}
Hand Delivery Charge
Total Discount
Grand Total
(INR {{roundNumber(billAmount*INRperDollar) }})

(Free Home Delivery for all orders above ${{FreeHomeDeliveryLimit}} purchase value)

Sender's Information(Required)

Order Number: 4408dfd

Total Bill Amount: ${{billAmount}}

(We process the payment in US Dollar. GiftToKerala.com is operated by SJK Global Associates registered in USA )

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Click Here to Sign up for a Free Gifttokerala.com Account. Takes Only 30 Seconds.

Make the payment using Credit Card/ Debit Card/ PayPal Account

By pressing the button below, you acknowledge that you have read and agree to our Terms of Service.

Please note: Do not provide shipping address with below secured payment process. Shipping address is already recorded. For your security, we are not storing any credit card information.
Please fill in all required information.
NB: You can also transfer the amount to our bank account(AC Number: 13334100111259,Bank: Federal Bank, IFSC: FDRL0001333) and send the copy of the confirmation page by email(GiftToKerala@gmail.com) or WhatsApp( +91 703 431 1259).
We also accept payment through Zelle. Send bill amount using cell number +1 954 732 2267 and let us know.
Hand Delivery

Form Our Local Facilities All Over Kerala

100% Secure

Your Security is a Top Priority for us

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