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Pink Roses

Pink roses are the special gifts for your precious ones or just because you want some beauty in your day. The meaning of pink color varies from sweet thoughts,to femaleness.Admiration, Appreciation, Thank you, Poise, Satisfaction, Love and Gentleness can also be the meaning of Pink Roses.This beautiful bouquet includes 10 or more hand picked fresh roses. We assure you promised hand delivery and 100% customer satisfaction.

$ 20.99 USD $ 17.8 (INR 1424)
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Pink roses are the special gifts for your precious ones or just because you want some beauty in your day. The meaning of pink color varies from sweet thoughts,to femaleness.Admiration, Appreciation, Thank you, Poise, Satisfaction, Love and Gentleness can also be the meaning of Pink Roses.This beautiful bouquet includes 10 or more hand picked fresh roses. We assure you promised hand delivery and 100% customer satisfaction.

Promised hand delivery according to GiftToKerala.com standards and we guarantee 100% customer satisfaction. We directly deliver fresh flowers from the local GiftToKerala Florist. 

We guarantee the delivery of gift between 7AM - 7PM on specified date.

If there any change required with gift delivery, please let us know, we will do our best. You can contact us through Email/Phone/Live Chat(for more contact information see "contact us" page).There may be very minimal shipping cost depends on recipient post office.

Please note that the gift delivered may not look exactly similar to the picture. We assure you quality service, otherwise payment will refund.

More than 10 fresh pink roses, featuring multiple blooms on each stem and accented with fresh greens.

Roses arrive in bud form, ready to bloom into full beauty in 3-4 days.

Arranged at the peak of perfection from our local flower shop with your personal message.

Promised Hand Delivery according to GiftToKerala.com standards and we guarantee 100% customer satisfaction.

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